Thursday, 18 December 2008

The Chemistry of Christmas

"Periodic Table of Videos" team, along with a few other people at the University of Nottingham's School of Chemistry, consider which element they would like for Christmas......

Which Element for Christmas? featuring the Chemical Sisters

Monday, 15 December 2008

Powder Diffraction File updated

The latest edition of the Powder Diffraction File is now available in the George Green Library. The database may be searched through the PC next to the enquiry point on floor C ; library staff at the desk or in the next door office can help if you require any assistance. Please note that there is no printer attached so you may wish to bring a disc or memory stick to save your results.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Keeping up-to-date in Life Sciences via RSS

SciFeeds delivers the most recent life science literature as it is published direct from RSS feeds. You can browse for over 100 journals within life science by subject, see the most recently updated Table of Contents (TOCs) of each journal, search the content of TOCs (it's a bit slow), see the most 'popular' articles, and if you register, you can do a lot more. There are also links to the full text of articles.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Providing access to material electronically

Would it help your students if you were able to provide access to a book chapter or journal article electronically?

If so, the HE scanning licence may be able to help. The Scanning licence enables the digitisation of material published in the UK and some US published material within copyright law. This can help support students undertaking a particular module and increase the circulation of key extracts.

Within Information Services, we have a budget to allow us to acquire PDFs of chapters and articles that fulfil the requirements of the licence. We can then provide a link to the digitised extract through the online reading list system or embedded within a WebCT module.

If you would like more information on this service, please contact us.

Redesign of the IS website: we need your views

Over the next year, the IS website will be redesigned. For this to be a success we need your help.

We are running user feedback sessions between November and February and we hope that you can come along and give us your views. Come and tell us what you want from the IS website, what you like and don’t like about the current site and want you want to see. We are also looking for users to test the current website and the new design.

To register to take part please email with your name and position at UoN (eg UG student/staff). You will receive an email back asking for a little more detail before your place in a group is confirmed. Lunch is provided at all sessions so please confirm you are able to attend asap, or if you are unable to attend please let us know so we can allocate your place to someone else.

Focus groups are taking place for both staff and students and the dates and times can be found at: