Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Use Impact Factors? Now try the Eigenfactor™

You may be familiar with the Impact Factor which uses citation data to assess and track the influence of a journal in relation to other journals. Impact factors can be found in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) at the Web of Knowledge.
Now the JCR has been upgraded with some new features including the new Eigenfactor Score.

The Eigenfactor Score measures the number of times articles from the journal published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year.
Like the Impact Factor, the Eigenfactor Score is essentially a ratio of number of citations to total number of articles. However, unlike the Impact Factor, the Eigenfactor Score:

  • Counts citations to journals in both the sciences and social sciences.
  • Eliminates self-citations. Every reference from one article in a journal to another article from the same journal is discounted.
  • Weights each reference according to a stochastic measure of the amount of time researchers spend reading the journal.
For more information about the JCR enhancements see

Monday, 2 February 2009


Can you spare 15 minutes to answer an online survey? The survey is investigating how you communicate with your academic colleagues, particularly in using digital methods. The survey is part of a study, commissioned by JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee ( <> ), to understand methods of scholarly communications in your field, and aims to set up advocacy programmes to encourage the take up of new methodologies and technologies to improve the access to, use and re-use of content by UK academics.
The survey is hoping to reach as many researchers as possible. Your input will provide vital insight and you will have the chance to win a £40 Amazon voucher to thank you for your time. You can access the survey from 30th January here:(
Would you be interested in taking part in a survey with a chance to win £200 worth of Amazon vouchers.

Over the last year, the University has been taking part in the JISC Observatory ebooks project (, a nationally funded project looking at the use of ebooks amongst students and staff at HE Institutions and how we can shape the future provision of course texts in e-book format. Students and staff previously undertook an online survey for the project, resulting in the University being the fifth highest repondent (out of 122 institutions).
JISC would now like participants to take part in an exit survey .

The survey is open to all, although the eBooks collections made available through the project remain as Business&Management, Engineering, Media studies, and Medicine.

Anyone participating in the survey will be entered into a prize draw for £200 worth of Amazon vouchers.

The survey can be accessed via the following links:
An additional link has been provided from the Electronic Books collection on the eLibrary Gateway.