Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Trial of Reaxys - possible replacement for Crossfire Beilstein/Gmelin

We currently have Reaxys on trial for a month until mid-May - see below for how to log on. Reaxys combines Beilstein, Gmelin and a chemistry patent database and is searchable by structure or reaction. There are ongoing discussions for a national deal with Reaxys as an alternative to Crossfire.

We should appreciate your feedback on the new system. The publishers are keen to get chemistry researchers' views to aid in the development of the new search interface and their contact details are below. The library are of course also interested in order to inform our decisions regarding renewal of the licence later this year and we should appreciate receiving your comments to this blog posting.

Please find below the information you will need to access Reaxys:
Web address:
License start date: 15.04.2009
License end date: 15.05.2009
On campus use only (through ip address).
Note: a detailed description of the technical requirements (including supported Java environments) is available. Please check the page “About Reaxys” first before you start working with Reaxys.
In order to successfully evaluate Reaxys you are recommended to participate in the Reaxys orientation webinar. Please register at:
For further assistance and information on Reaxys, please consult the Help section within the product – this tab is visible no matter which page you are in. Within Help you can then access the Release Notes section - home>customer support>release notes. This area explains which functions are currently available and what will be coming shortly.

The publishers say "Reaxys is continuously being developed and adapted according to the needs of our customers. Your feedback is highly valued and will be fed back into further development, ultimately producing the best possible end result.
If you have any questions about this or need additional support or want to let us know your experiences and improvement ideas, then please don’t hesitate to contact us on the address below."

Europe and Africa
E-Customer Service
Tel: +49-69-5050 4268
Fax: +49-69-5050 4213

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