Thursday 18 June 2009

Working from multiple workstations and frustrated without your favorites?

You are not alone........ me too!

In fact, at present, I am working from 3 PCs from two different campuses as well as working from home ocassionally - does this sound familiar?

If you are at home wishing all your favorites weren’t on your computer at work? Or vice versa? .... then check out Diigo or Delicious.

If you haven’t started using an online bookmarking tool, why not try one of these? Install the gadget on your toolbar, and then just click anytime you find a site you want to keep track of for later.

Services such as Delicious and Diigo also have the added benefit of allowing you to highlight what you find with your own notes. Great tools to consider using with students during research projects or to foster information literacies such as evaluating and anotating what's found.

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